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Draft South Burlington Active Transportation Plan

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The City of South Burlington's Active Transportation Plan is a comprehensive plan detailing our vision, goals, and strategic recommendations designed to advance active transportation across South Burlington. Leveraging insights gained from previous studies, extensive community input, and an in-depth planning process, the Plan focuses on prioritizing and implementing infrastructure and initiatives to create safer and more accessible transportation options for all residents. 

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in reply to Erica's comment
Wait 1 is intersection and 1 is crossing. Should they still just be put together?
Duplicate from #63
Slap another $ on there since we have a bridge to go over and it will be part of a highway project.
in reply to Erica's comment
the one listed as Priority 14. Please don't make me touch that intersection that many more times.
Is this different than the Dorset/Williston one above?
add another $ :(
another $ needed here too, unfortunately.
This is being funded entirely locally (impact fees)
Add another $ to that sucker.
in reply to BD's comment
I think just saying "Federal RAISE and RCN grants awarded. TIF District Financing"
Add transportation impact fees to this list. Developers have helped us build out our network a lot recently.
Is this font suddenly different or have I been looking at this for too long?
Remove this since our standard is an exclusive ped phase. I'm coming up blank with something else to fill this part of the page.
Adding some general dimensions would be helpful. Bike lanes a minimum of 5-feet, sufficient buffer is typically X feet, shared use paths 10-12 feet, etc.
while meeting the needs of the local context.
the last part of this sentence is a bit awkward. Reword
Remove "Recommendations" from title
Add Bike/Ped Committee
Add Planning & Zoning
Bike/Ped Committee
Just Council, no Budget Committee in SB
Swap DPW for Planning & Zoning
Bike/Ped Committee, not Walk Bike Council. Same comment for row below.
Remove VCIL since there are others we'd want to include as well.
Add Planning & Zoning to lead
South Burlington Business Association
Department or Committee?
Bike/Ped Committee
in reply to BD's comment
Agreed. Also replace DPW with Planning & Zoning
They're "Recreation and Parks" and for some reason that's important. Probably to not be associated immediately with the show?
in reply to BD's comment
We have a Communications and Outreach person so I think just saying that instead of Marketing and Communications.
I feel like this page needs a picture or graphic. Maybe a callout about the Es?
remove "urban"
remove "future" since you already have "forward-looking" which sounds better anyway
Add another map or a layer on this map that shows the existing infrastructure. I think a Before and After type side by side would be cool. Showing our existing, disconnected network and what it would look like with all of the projects in place (this primarily relates to the corridor projects).
Implement recommendations from 2023 Study.
I don't remember us talking about this one. This is primarily a vehicular project if it happens. Can this be removed?
As with Hinesburg Road, we'll likely have an exclusive ped phase.
In design and will also include the realignment of White Street to create a perpendicular intersection with signalized crossings on all approaches.
This needs to be clearer since the signal upgrades are done, but recommendations were made in the I-89 Connections Study and more will likely come from the Exit 14 study.
We'll likely have an exclusive ped phase here when the project goes to construction.
crosswalk users
median refuge islands
Nicklaus Circle
SBHS. Change the description to be about enhancing crosswalks in front of the High School. We are combining the 2 mediocre crosswalks into one better crosswalk with a refuge island this summer as part of our Dorset Street paving project.
Clarify again if this is a second project or from the current project. We aren't looking at the interchange in the current project.
not plural.
Make it clearer that this would be to relocate the existing RRFB at San Remo to a location that uses the median as a pedestrian refuge.
Is this being recommended separately from the current Crossings project? I wasn't clear from the wording.
This isn't in the FY26 CIP.